
ECG Services in Navi Mumbai


Welcome to B & J Hospital, where we offer a range of advanced diagnostic tests to assess your heart health. Our team of skilled cardiologists and technicians is dedicated to providing comprehensive evaluations using cutting-edge technologies, including Electrocardiogram (ECG), 2D Echocardiogram (2D Echo), Exercise Stress Test, and Stress Echocardiogram. Through these tests, we aim to gain valuable insights into your heart's function and identify potential issues early on. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to guide you toward a healthier heart.

What is an ECG?

What is an ECG?

An EKG, also known as an ECG, stands for electrocardiogram, a diagnostic test that records your heart's electrical signals. It is a widely used method for assessing the proper functioning of the heart.

During an EKG procedure, you lie on an examination table while electrodes are attached to specific areas on your chest and sometimes on your arms and legs. These electrodes capture the electrical activity responsible for your heartbeats, and the data is displayed as waves on a computer monitor. This simple, painless process provides valuable information about your heart's electrical activity and overall health.

What is 2-D echo test for?

What is 2-D echo test for?

2D echocardiography, commonly called 2D Echo, is a non-invasive diagnostic test that evaluates heart function and examines specific cardiac regions. By employing sound vibrations, this procedure generates detailed images of the heart's structures, enabling the assessment of damages, blockages, and blood flow rate.

The order and combination of medical tests depend on the specific clinical scenario and the doctor's judgment. However, in specific cardiac evaluation pathways, the sequence you mentioned can be utilized:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG): Often, cardiac assessments begin with an electrocardiogram, which records the heart's electrical activity. It helps identify irregular heart rhythms, conduction abnormalities, and signs of ischemia (lack of blood flow to the heart).
  • 2D-Echocardiogram (2D Echo): Following an ECG, a 2D echo is often recommended. This non-invasive imaging test provides real-time images of the heart's structures and function. It helps assess heart chambers, valves, and pumping efficiency and detect any structural abnormalities.
  • Exercise Stress Test (Treadmill Test): If the initial tests raise suspicions of coronary artery disease or cardiac function issues, an exercise stress test may be performed. This test involves monitoring the heart's response to physical activity on a treadmill or stationary bike. It can reveal signs of reduced blood flow to the heart during exercise, suggesting possible blockages in the coronary arteries.
  • Stress Echocardiogram (Stress Echo): A stress echocardiogram may be used as an alternative to the exercise stress test. During a stress echo, the heart's function is evaluated before and immediately after exercise or administering medications that mimic the effects of exercise. It helps identify areas of the heart that may not receive enough blood during stress, indicating potential blockages or ischemia.

It's important to remember that the specific sequence and combination of tests will depend on the patient's medical history, symptoms, risk factors, and the doctor's clinical judgment. Following the results of these tests, further assessments or treatments may be recommended as needed. Consult a qualified healthcare professional at B & J Hospital for personalized advice and appropriate diagnostic evaluations.

What does an EKG read show?

An EKG reading provides essential information about the following aspects of your heart's health:

  • Heart Rate and Rhythm: It accurately measures your heart rate and identifies any irregularities in the heart rhythm, such as tachycardia (fast heart rate) or bradycardia (slow heart rate).
  • Arrhythmias: EKG readings help detect various arrhythmias, which are abnormal heart rhythms. Medication side effects can cause these irregularities or indicate underlying heart problems. Heart block, a type of arrhythmia, can affect heart rate and rhythm due to heart electrical signal disruptions.
  • Heart Attack: An EKG can diagnose a heart attack, enabling prompt treatment and determining the extent and location of heart damage. It can also indicate whether a previous heart attack has occurred.
  • Oxygen and Blood Supply: The EKG reading assesses whether your heart receives adequate blood flow and enough oxygen to function properly.
  • Structural Abnormalities: EKG readings can indicate the presence of heart defects, enlargement, or other structural abnormalities within the heart.

Overall, an EKG is a valuable tool for diagnosing and monitoring various heart conditions, helping healthcare professionals assess the health and functioning of the heart.

Why would I need an EKG?

An EKG (also known as an ECG) may be necessary if you experience symptoms related to heart issues. Some signs that might warrant an EKG include:

  • Palpitations (sensations of irregular or pounding heartbeats)
  • Rapid pulse or heart rate
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Weakness or fainting episodes
  • Extreme fatigue or inability to exercise

A standard EKG provides a snapshot of your heart's activity during the few minutes it takes to perform the test. However, a regular test may not detect the problem if your symptoms are intermittent or absent during the EKG. In such cases, your doctor may provide you with portable EKG devices like a Holter monitor or a cardiac event monitor. These devices can be worn for extended periods, allowing continuous or event-triggered heart activity recordings, helping to capture any irregularities outside the usual EKG timeframe.

If this is the case, Dr. Vinay Jaiswal & Dr. Pritish Bagul can give you portable EKG devices, such as a Holter monitor or a cardiac event monitor, which you wear for extended periods. The Holter monitor continuously records heart activity over several days, while the event monitor records heart activity when you're experiencing symptoms.


All the tests mentioned – ECG, 2D Echo, Exercise Stress Test, and Stress Echocardiogram – are non-invasive and safe. They involve no radiation exposure and generally cause minimal discomfort.

The duration of each test varies, but they are generally completed within 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity of your case.

You may be asked to avoid heavy meals and caffeine before the test for Exercise Stress Test and Stress Echocardiogram. Our team will provide specific instructions tailored to your situation.

During the Stress Echocardiogram, you will undergo the 2D Echo before and immediately after the stress-inducing activity. Our team will guide you throughout the process to ensure your comfort and safety.

Our team works efficiently to analyze the test results promptly. B & J Hospital cardiologist will discuss the findings and any necessary follow-up steps during a subsequent appointment.

Doctors recommend a 2D echo to visualize the dynamic movement of the heart structures. The procedure generates cone-shaped real-time images on a monitor, allowing the physician to assess the functioning of different heart components and make evaluations accordingly.

At B & J Hospital in Navi Mumbai, we strive to provide accurate assessments and compassionate care for your heart health. Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with our experts, Dr. Vinay Jaiswal & Dr. Pritish Bagul, today to take the first step towards a healthier heart.

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